lips unsealed, kISS secrets revealed

It’s not just a kiss print. It’s an experience. An experience where lips are unsealed and secrets are revealed. An experience where life lessons are uncovered and possibilities are predicted. All with interactive analysis, healing, and premonition.

I provide insight into the questions and challenges you face with uplifting readings and impeccable predictions. Like a custom GPS navigator, I assist you in getting unstuck and becoming confident with life’s choices.

In my presence and in the presence of the angels, explore the magic of a first kiss. You can trust me as your guide, as I have accurately read over 10,000 kiss prints.

A word from the founder...

Hi! I'm Dr. Miranda...

My fascination with a kiss traces back to my childhood, with the love and safety brought by my mother's kiss. Despite growing up in foster care, I realized the immense comfort a mother's goodnight kiss brought to all children. That simple gesture of affection settled us down, offering a sense of security and peace for a restful sleep.

Though my time with my mother was brief, her memory and spirit inspired the creation of the Official Kiss Print Reader. In her honor, I discovered my calling and passion within the essence of the KISS.

This journey is my tribute and my precious gift.

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”

— Judy Garland

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